Pakenham Primary School Zone

Information about our school zone


Enrolling at Pakenham Primary School

Go to the Find My School site for information about our zone or to search your local government primary school.

Enrolment Restriction

Pakenham Primary School has an enrolment restriction under section 2.2.16 of the Education and Training Reform Act 2006 (Vic). Approved entry criteria for Pakenham Primary School enrolments are:

  • Students who live within the school zone (guaranteed entry)
  • Students with a sibling attending the school at the same time (priority 1 of the priority order of placement)
  • Students seeking enrolment on compassionate grounds.

Students seeking placement in Foundation must meet one of the above criteria to be eligible for enrolment in 2025. Students seeking enrolment in other year levels continue to be subject to the Placement Policy.

Please refer to the Department of Education Placement Policy for more information, if required.

How do I enrol my child at Pakenham Primary School for the current school year?
For enrolments during the current school year, please contact the school office directly on 03 5918 3900 or email the school at

Enrolling in Foundation (Prep)

The Department of Education has a statewide Foundation (Prep) enrolment timeline.

The timeline advises families when and how to enrol their child into Foundation (Prep) at a Victorian government primary school, including Pakenham Primary School.

You can find information and resources about the enrolment timeline at: Enrolling in Foundation (Prep).

For Foundation enrolments, our school is using the online system, VicStudents. To submit an online enrolment application, visit  For assistance, please refer to the Quick Reference Guide.

Please ensure all required documents are attached to the application, including birth certificate, proof of residency (passport / visa if required) and residential address. Proof of residential address must be 1 document from List A and 1 from List B below.

List A – Recent Council rate notice, lease agreement of 12 month duration.  Statutory Declaration may also be requested.
List B – Gas or electricity bill (must be less than 8 weeks old) or current driver’s license.

Is there a Transition Program?
All families who have successful enrolments will be advised of the dates and times of transition sessions.

Years 1 – 6

For families within the designated zone seeking enrollment for Years 1–6, please contact the school office directly at 5918 3900 or via email at to schedule a Family Information Meeting. During this meeting, we will provide an overview of the school’s processes and expectations, address any questions families may have, and discuss the specific needs of the enrolling child.

Students transferring from another Victorian Government primary school are required to advise their current school of their intention to transfer once they have received and accepted an enrolment offer.

Contact Pakenham Primary School

You can get in touch with Pakenham Primary for any enquiries about enrolments, your child's education or for general questions.


(03) 5918 3900



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School Hours:


During School Terms:

Monday: 8:45am - 3:15pm
Tuesday: 8:45am - 3:15pm
Wednesday: 8:45am - 2:50pm
Thursday: 8:45am - 3:15pm
Friday: 8:45am - 3:15pm



50 Atlantic Drive,
Pakenham VIC 3810